Hey! You're not in bad shape! You should definitely go see an attorney. :)
Well, there's no enhancement for you.... so, yay? Just go see an attorney.
GO SEE AN ATTORNEY! At least, that's my opinion.
Again, I strongly suggest you see an attorney....
Driving Under the Influence cases can be very defensible. You just need to speak to an attorney to find out. Plus, you may not have been driving while under the influence with a blood alcohol level of 08%. Or, your driving wasn't really impaired. There are a lot of reasons to speak to an attorney. I suggest you find one that can help you find the best defense for your case.
If you need someone to help you defend your case, call an attorney!
I am available at my office, if you choose to see me:
Law Office of Noreen L. Barcena
521 South Garfield Avenue
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 898-7200
The first consultation is free!
NOTE: Noreen L. Barcena does not make guarantees by posting on this blog. This blog is merely for informational purposes and she advises that you should seek legal advise IN PERSON. Noreen L. Barcena practices law solely in the State of California and does not have opinions or guarantees about other state laws. Ms. Noreen L. Barcena is merely making suggestions and opinions. You should never plan to commit any illegal acts.
Actively licensed, and licensed in the State of California.
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